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Sunday 28 October 2012

Pandanda Is Gone! :( + Expert Winner & Snow Coming Soon!

Hey guys.

Pandanda has now come to an end. It closed down, about an hour ago.
All that is left is the memories, and the page that comes up when you go on Pandanda.

It's very sad. I didn't go on it a great amount. 
But for all those people that played on their, now have to find a new virtual world!
Or doing something interesting in their life's.

What would happen if Panfu closed down?
The reason Pandanda closed down is because: They ran out of money.
And to keep something like this open, you need money.
You need to pay all the workers their money for working.
Plus paying for all the equipment, that make the game. 
Plus things like the gas and electric bill.

Must be hard.
But could this happen to Panfu?
I know that Panfu have 2 virtual worlds. 
With 10 different countries in each virtual world. So they must make some money.
Plus goodbeans (AKA Panfu). Have created about 6 apps.
So they will be making money from them too.
So I don't think Panfu will close down. It seems pretty popular (especially in the German world on Panfu. That is packed.)

Anyway. Moving on.
I have not announced the winner of the Expert of the week in Panfu for a long time.
I stopped doing it because: pretty much every Panda in Panfu reads the Panfu blog.
So there is no point saying the winner, because you already know.
But I think I am going to do it this week.

The question was: "At what level can your Panda fart?"
The answer is: "25"
The winner is: LaceyB

Congratulations. LaceyB won the graduation cap. And a pumpkin.

Did you know the pumpkin from this weeks expert question. Were in the gift machine for Halloween from last year!? 
I wish I could win the expert question.
But I only answer it if both the items are clothing. 
For example: I want to win the graduation hat. And some other bit of clothing. 
I hate getting furniture items. 
So for me to win the expert question, it might take a while.

Anyway. That's about it for today.
I never post on Sundays. Unless it is something important. Or if I feel like posting.
Bye bye.

The one and only. Damian101

P.S Did you know. In about a months time there will be snow in Panfu!
If you haven't been in Panfu when there is snow, Here's what it looks like.

Awesome, right? You get to throw snowballs instead of waterbombs. 

P.P.S It's almost Halloween!


  1. oh great, right when i decide to join it, it closes down.

    1. Awww what, really?
      That sucks!

    2. at least hurricane sandy didnt cancel halloween!(it got lucky this time >:( )

    3. Yeah true.
      I feel so sorry for everyone at New York.


    1. Yeah I loved it too.
      It were pretty good.
      It's such a same that it's closed down : (

  3. I miss pandanda.. but now I joined panfu :)

    1. I miss Pandanda too. Even though I didn't play it a lot. It still were a great game : )

      - Damian101

  4. omg i waited so i can play on it but i guess dat was for nothing :c
