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Sunday 16 December 2012

16th Of December 2012 Advent Gift

Hello people from the internet!

I can't believe there is only 9 sleeps until Christmas.
When I were very young. When it got close to Christmas. My brothers and sisters always said. 
"What would you do if it went from the 24th of December, and back to the 1st of December?"
I don't think I could manage that.
Waiting all that time. And when it's almost Christmas, it goes back to the 1st of December.
Man, that must be annoying.
What would you do if that happened? (Even though it won't)

Today there isn't much going on.
Just basically getting another gift from the Advent.

It's that Christmas outfit that I posted early. (Like almost a month ago)
Tomorrow just might be the day where we get the Rudolph costume.
And the day after that, might be the day we get the Santa sack.

I won't be online today.
I will be online later tonght, (around 8:00PM Great Britain Time)
So yeah. 
Bye bye.

The one and only. Damian101


  1. Hey Damian can I have some rare items like you did to Smoshy can I also have the Igloo house and rainbow bolly oh and can you do it to _Dipuzaman_,Dip_Von_Panfu and Dip9 oh and can you also tell me how to reactivate Dipuzaman
    Thanks Damian

    1. Hey dip dips.
      In order for me to get the items I need the password.
      (the password won't be published on the blog, and will be kept a secret with me)

      And I am not too sure how to get any accounts back. The only way I can think of is by sending Panfu an E-mail. Try and make as if you are really sorry and all of that stuff.


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