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Friday 21 December 2012

21st Of December 2012 Advent Gift + Gift & Booster Machine + Panfu Gold Membership Discount + Video Time (22) & Some Bad News:( *UPDATE*

Hey guys.

Excuse the long title for this blog post.

To start this post off: I am very shocked to see how many people have been commenting on my blog post, before this. I were saying how much Panfu is getting annoying. Like deleting people for no reason.
Lot's of people have been saying that they're annoyed too. And that they've been deleted for nothing!
Like what Dipuzaman said that he were deleted for mentioning his blog link.
(I know that Panfu don't allow Pandas to mention other websites, because Panfu won't be able to give you safety. But in all fairness, Panfu can't authorise that sort of stuff.)
If you are annoyed about Panfu. Post you're information in the comment section below. 
Or tell me on Panfu. I would love to hear what's on you're minds!

Okay moving on.
Here is today's Advent gift.

Pretty cool.
And not only that. But the gift machine and booster machine are active today.

And it doesn't end there
From now, until Sunday.
The Gold Membership prices are now half price!

And finally.
This weeks video.
I'll just post some Christmas songs.

The first song is a classic old song.
I do NOT own this video. All rights go to emimusic

The second song is also an oldish one. This is also a classic.
I do NOT own this video. All rights go to abcdefdjykj

Fairytale of NewYork is also another great Christmas song.
I do NOT own this video. All rights go to RhinoUK

Let's but one more song in. How about Band Aid...Not the plaster thing you put on when you have a cut. But seriously. This is a GREAT song!
I do NOT own this video. All rights go to 80smusicfanman

Hope you all have a Happy Christmas!
4 more days to go!

The one and only. Damian101

P.S. Did you know that today (21st December) is the shortest day of the year. Basically today is the day where we get the least amount of sun. You won't recognise it. But after today and onwards. It will begin to get lighter and lighter. Ready for Summer! But it will take a good month or two, to actually notice that the sun is up at later times.

P.P.S. To anyone who believe that today were going to end...Do you feel stupid at all...?
Not in a mean way or anything. But do you feel a whee' bit...Stupid...?


  1. I feel like Panfu is getting worse.. I have been deactivated 4 times!! Two times because I was speaking in Swedish, one time for no reason at all and another time for having a "inapropriate" name when there was absolutely nothing wrong with it X_X. I mean, I like Panfu and all but cheesus that's just ridiculous ;__;.

    1. wow what. That really does suck. Panfu needs to do something with it's self.

  2. Hey Damian,
    I always knew the world wouldn't end today. People just believed the stupid rumors about it ending because of the Mayan Calendar.
    I can't believe Panfu's deleting people for saying those things! I mean seriously?! And panfu blocks me all the time which is getting ANNOYING. sometimes im just standing there when they block me for a WHOLE DAY.

    1. Yeah I knew it wouldn't end either. They've said the world will end lots of times...And it never did!

      And I can't believe Panfu is doing that either. I thought people would get block/deleted for bullying. Or saying inappropriate stuff. What's happened to Panfu?!


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